PT. VAIA INDONESIA, a growing IT company is seeking for a professional and qualified candidate to join our company for the following position :
Requirements for System Analyst :
- Male/Female, with max 35 years old
- S1 graduates of Information Technology, Computer Science or related fields
- Experience in software development with minimum 5 full cycle of project implementation.
- Strong knowledge in business process.
- Have a good concept in software project management & maintenance
- Have a good knowledge in system analyst and design methods
- Good analytical and algorithm skills.
- Strong personality and able to work under high pressure working environment and tight deadline.
If you meet the above requirements and eager to join with us, please send your application letter and updated resume (CV) with photograph no later than November 30, 2010 to ajeng.fitri@vaia.co.id or ade.chrisnawaty@vaia.co.id. All applications will be treated in highest confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.
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