If you have big dreams, this is your chance to make it happen!
Indonesia’s most respected Bank is looking for new talents. Join us and get the opportunity to work in an open culture environment where people are rewarded for their commitment and performance. We are looking for professional, passionate, dynamic and dedicated talents to be part of out team. Currently, we are recruiting talents for to fill the following position :
Indonesia’s most respected Bank is looking for new talents. Join us and get the opportunity to work in an open culture environment where people are rewarded for their commitment and performance. We are looking for professional, passionate, dynamic and dedicated talents to be part of out team. Currently, we are recruiting talents for to fill the following position :
TELLER MAGANG (Kode : Teller)
Lokasi penempatan: Makassar, Palopo, Parepare, Ambon, Kendari, Jayapura, Baubau, dan Polewali Mandar.
- D3/S1 – Fresh Graduate
- IP point average of at least 2.75
- Age between 20-25 years
- Liking the work relating to numbers and detail orientation
- Able to work quickly and accurately
- Prefers work that is routine and regular
- Have good communication skills
- Able to operate computer programs MS.Office minimal
- Able draw with height and weight proportional
Kirimkan surat lamaran beserta fotocopy ijazah dan dokumen pendukung lainnya dengan mencantumkan kode Teller (TL) pada sudut kanan atas amplop ke alamat :
Lusia Puri Nawangsih
Recruitment Officer – Operasional Banking
HR Region 1
Bank Danamon Matraman, Jl. Matraman Raya No.52, Lt.4, Jkt Timur 13150
Atau by email : lusia.nawangsih@danamon.co.id
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