PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992. Supported by the Indonesian Association of Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI) and a group of Moslem entrepreneurs, the founding of Bank Muamalat also won the support of the general public, evidenced by a Rp 84 billion pledge for the purchase of the Bank's shares on the date when the Articles of Association was signed. Thereafter, in a special meeting commemorating the founding at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, additional pledges from communities in West Java were raised to reach a total of Rp 106 billion.. Currently we are looking high qualified candidates to join our team as:
1. Corporate Banking (Marketing/1 position)
2. Retail Banking (Marketing/2 positions)
3. Service Assistant (1 position)
4. Front Liner (1 position)
* Male (mouslem) have a certain character and has never violated the law proved with SKCK from Police Department
* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) (1,2) and Diploma Degree (D3) (3,4) with minimum GPA 2.75 from State University and 3.00 from Private University
* Male prefered for positions (1,2) and female prefered for positions (3,4)
* Good appearance
* Fluent in English (1,3)
* Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
* Physical and mental healthy
* Not married
* Able to work in a team
* Experienced in Islamic or Conventional Banks prefered (1)
* Maximum 27 years old (1,2) and 25 years old (3,4)
* Unrelated families with the employees / Directors of Bank Muamalat
* Attach supporting documents: CV, copy of last education diploma, copy of ID card and two 4x6 size photograph
Please send your application to :
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Cabang Rawamangun
1. Corporate Banking (Marketing/1 position)
2. Retail Banking (Marketing/2 positions)
3. Service Assistant (1 position)
4. Front Liner (1 position)
* Male (mouslem) have a certain character and has never violated the law proved with SKCK from Police Department
* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) (1,2) and Diploma Degree (D3) (3,4) with minimum GPA 2.75 from State University and 3.00 from Private University
* Male prefered for positions (1,2) and female prefered for positions (3,4)
* Good appearance
* Fluent in English (1,3)
* Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
* Physical and mental healthy
* Not married
* Able to work in a team
* Experienced in Islamic or Conventional Banks prefered (1)
* Maximum 27 years old (1,2) and 25 years old (3,4)
* Unrelated families with the employees / Directors of Bank Muamalat
* Attach supporting documents: CV, copy of last education diploma, copy of ID card and two 4x6 size photograph
Please send your application to :
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Cabang Rawamangun
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