Gema Power is a company engaged in Training and People Development, HR Management and Assessment, Organization Development and Outsourcing.
One of our partners is rapidly growing pharmacy throughout Indonesia to provide comprehensive drug and reliably opened up many opportunities and opportunities for professionals to be able to join and career for the following positions:
Assistant Pharmacist
(Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bali)
- Leading all activities of pharmacy both technical and non technical activities kefarmasiaan accordance with the provisions of applicable laws. (Pharmacist)
- Manage, implement and oversee the administration
- Ensuring that the pharmacy they lead to provide optimal results in accordance with the work plan by increasing the turnover
- Conducting business development
- Hold a valid purchase and suppression at the lowest possible cost
- Male / female
- Education Minimum D III Pharmacy (Pharmacist)
- Education SMF (Asst pharmacist)
- Having a license SIK / SPK (Pharmacist)
- Willing to work shift
- Can work together with team
- To be placed in the area of Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bali
Send You Application to :
Ruko Harapan Baru Regency
Jl. Azalea Raya no. 1 Komp Harapan Baru Regency Bekasi barat
email : gema_triwira@yahoo.com
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