We are a company engaged in the beauty services (Johnny Andrean Salon & Johnny Andrean School & Training) with a number of branches in major cities in Indonesia.
Cashier (KSR)
Female, age max. 23 years
TB min.155 cm, weight proportional
Education Min. High School or equivalent
To look attractive and able to work in teams
Placement according to domicile and ready to work shifts
Staff Creambath (CR)
Male and Female age max 23 years
TB min. 160 cm (men) & 155 cm (Female) + BB proportional
Minimum Education Junior High School or equivalent
Placement in the Greater Jakarta & All major cities in Indonesia
Ready to work shift
Free and Assurance Training Awarded for outstanding work
Administration (ADM)
Female, age max. 27 years
Education Min. High School or equivalent
Experience min. 1 year in the same field
Ability to apply computer (Ms. Office)
HR Supervisor (HRD)
Male / Female, max. 30 years old
Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Masters Degree in Human Resources is an advantage
Self-motivated, Initiative, Able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadlines
Having min 2 years related experience (especially in handling Recruitment, Development, and Personnel)
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
Secretary (SEC)
Female, max. 27 years old
Min. D3 Secretary
Self-motivated, Initiative, Able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadlines
Having related experience min. 1 year
Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
Must be proficient in Bahasa Indonesia (oral and written)
Driver (DRV)
Male, age max. 35 years
Education Min. SMA
Having SIM A / B and a Driver bengalaman min. 1thn
PT. Johnny Andrean
Jl. South Meruya No. 66
West Jakarta 11 650
PO BOX 1500 JKP 10015
Via email to: hrd06@johnnyandrean.com
Date. Closing: April 28, 2011
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