PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (Sari Roti) is the largest foreign owned bread manufacturing company in Indonesia currently having 3 plants, 2 plants in the Jababeka Cikarang Industrial complex (West Java) and 1 plant at the Pasuruan Industrial Zone in East Java.
Financial Analysis Supervisor - Jawa Barat - Kawasan Industri Jababeka
- Update management regarding latest regulation applicable related to the company operations (Bapepam, IDX & tax) by using appropriate resources
- Perform financial report analysis
- Implements an appropriate set of Budgeting & Controlling tools
- Provide assistance for the general manager related with the Coordination of Annual Operating Plan in cooperation with Dept. Head in each division
- Perform monthly budget controlling and analysis of deviations with subsequent constructive reports to the Management
- In charge of financial forecasting and respective recommendations for actions to be taken
- Prepare report to management related with budget control in monthly basis
- Male or female, Max 28 years old
- Bachelor Degree, Major in Accounting from Reputable University
- Min GPA 3.00
- Experience as Auditor of Reputable Accounting Firm is Prefferable
- Able to prepare the financial statement in audit format
- Excellent understanding on Accounting Standards (PSAK)
- Advance Competency on MS.Excel is a must (Vlookup, If Function, Pivot Table, Chart, Etc)
- Capable to perform Financial Analysis, Projection & Budgeting
- Experience on Public Company, Bapepam Regulation & BEI Regulation is preferable
- Willing to placed in Cikarang office (KawasanIndustriJababeka I)
- Pelase Post your Recent Photograph & Expected Salary
- Full time & permanent positions available
Key Account Executive (Bandung Area)
- Male 26 - 34 years old with good health and integrity
- Holding S1 degree in relevant major, having driving licence (SIM A)
- Having at least 2 years experience in Sales , preferably in FMCG business
- Strong in forecasting capability, planning, analyzing,and sales skills with excellent interpersonal relationship
- Self motivated, hard working and target oriented
- Achieving business goals: Sales (Volume & Value), Service level, on time delivery, AR aging
- Developing the existing customers and expanding business by opening new customer.
- Maintaining business relationship with key customers within area of responsibility
Production Operator - Bekasi
- Male
- Age 18-25
- High school graduates and vocational equivalent (SMU/K)
- Physical and Spiritual Health
- Honest, Tough, Hard Working
- Willing to work in shift
Spare-Parts Operators - Bekasi
- Male, Age 18-25
- Minimum Education High School (SMU/K) or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Minimum 1 year experience in the same field
- Physical and Spiritual Health
- Honest, Tough, Hard Working
- Willing to work in shift
Operator Maintenance - Bekasi
- Male
- Age 18-28 years
- Vocational school graduates (SMK) or D3 Electric Engineering
- Understanding Wiring Diagrams
- Minimum 1 year experience as Maintenance
- Willing to work in shift
For those interested candidates, please send your complete application and current CV to the following email: recruitment@nipponindosari.co.id not later than July 7, 2011
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