Trans7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. It is jointly owned by the Gramedia Group and Trans TV. It began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. On 15 December 2006, the official name became Trans 7 from TV 7 due to its half ownership by Trans Corp, a company that also owned Trans TV. Trans7, a Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:
Video Editor (VE)
- Male, Diploma or Bachelor degree from any discipline
- Age max 28 years old
- Have advance skill inediting software & graphic computer
- Have no color blind
Send your CV via Email or may be sent directly to :
Lt. 3A, Jl. Kapten Tendean Kav 12-14A,
Jakarta Selatan
Email : silmi@trans7.co.id
No later than August 31, 2011
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