PT Petrokimia Gresik opening career opportunities for Bachelor Degree (S1) graduates from following disciplines.
* Chemical Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
* Physics Engineering
* Industrial Engineering
* Chemistry (MIPA)
* Psychology (Industrial)
* Law (Civil/ Business)
* Communications
* Accounting
* Management
* Agribusiness
* Agronomy
* Agriculture (Budidaya Pertanian)
* Seed Technology
* Food Technology
* Chemical Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
* Physics Engineering
* Industrial Engineering
* Chemistry (MIPA)
* Psychology (Industrial)
* Law (Civil/ Business)
* Communications
* Accounting
* Management
* Agribusiness
* Agronomy
* Agriculture (Budidaya Pertanian)
* Seed Technology
* Food Technology
- Indonesian citizen
- Male
- Maximum 25 years old (born after 28 February 1986)
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Minimum TOEFL score 475 (proved by certificate)
- Physical and mental healthy
- Not color-blind
- Not in services bond with other institution (Tidak terikat ikatan dinas pada instansi lain)
Should you meet above requirements please apply at link below not later than March 20, 2011.
Apply Here
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