The Government of Indonesia through National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has received financing from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) toward the cost of Water and Sanitation Policy and Action, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for individual consultant service to establish the Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility/Waspola Facility.
The Procurement Committee of Bappenas is now inviting skilled, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of the project for the position:
Financial Management Specialist (1 person)
The Government of Indonesia through National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has received financing from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) toward the cost of Water and Sanitation Policy and Action, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for individual consultant service to establish the Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Facility/Waspola Facility.
The Procurement Committee of Bappenas is now inviting skilled, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of the project for the position:
Financial Management Specialist (1 person)
- S1 Graduation with Minimal 4 years working experiences or S2 with 2 years experiences in similar project.
- Have Accountant Certified (Example : Chartered Accountant, Certifid Public Accountant).
- Experience with accounting procedures and financial management of the World Bank’s.
- Understand the rules and procedures imposed by the Indonesian government in monitoring, evaluation, reporting, publications and loan documentation and / or foreign grants.
- Experience in preparing the financial statements of foreign loans and grants (PHLN).
- Experience with accounting-based computer applications and financial management.
- Able to work independently and teams.
- Able to speak English both oral and written, and has the ability to make a report in English
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Grants by World Bank Borrowers (published in January 2011).
Expressions of interest (Curriculum Vitae) must be sent to the address below no later than 14 April 2011:
Procurement Committee of
Ministry of National Development Planning/
National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)
Contact Person : Ir. Hari Kristijo, MSc.
Gedung Madiun Lantai Basement,
Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa PHLN
Jalan Taman Suropati No 2, Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia
Phone : (021) 31936207 ext. 3551 Fax : 31931392
e-mail : pengadaanphln@bappenas.go.id
Note: Contract signing of selected consultants will be subject to the Grant Agreement signing between Government of Indonesia and the World Bank.
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