Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is a Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) that acts as a facilitator in the development of Indonesian Capital Market. With the vision “To be a Competitive Stock Exchange with Credibility World Level”, we continue to give great attention to our Human Resources. Currently we are looking for the best talents who have the interest to develop themselves in capital market to fulfill the following positions:
Staf Administrasi Penilaian Perusahaan Sektor Jasa
Responsible for helping the administration division which includes helping the analyst in the implementation of filing systems and data management
Responsible for helping the administration division which includes helping the analyst in the implementation of filing systems and data management
- Male, min 22 max 28 th th
- D3 Library / Office Administration, fresh graduate, GPA min 3.00 (scale 4).
- Preferably with experience and master the science of archives, min.1 year.
- Mastering Microsoft Office
- Able to work in a multitasking
- Have interpersonal skills
- Have integrity and commitment to duty and high responsibility
- It has a soul and the ability of good service
- Ability to work in a team or individual
- Have the dexterity, precision, and persistence in working
If you have the qualifications above, please send a cover letter, CV, copy of diploma, academic transcript, and color photos (4×6) 1 sheet to the address:
Email : divisisdm@idx.co.id & premia@idx.co.id
Divisi SDM
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower I, Lt. 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190
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