A. Purser / Purser Assitant (PURS)
- women / men
- max. 58 years
B. Ex Flight Attendant (EX PRI / PRA)
- women / men
- max. 50 years
C. Candidate flight attendant / stewardess Flight Haji (FA)
- women / men
- high min. women 158 cm / 165 cm men
- ages 20 to 27 years
General requirements:
- da cover letter complete CV
- Minimum high school education or equivalent
- 4R size photograph the entire body
- passport photo size 4x6 1 sheet
- letter of agreement of parents / husband with stamp duty
- photocopy of passport
- copy KTP / SIM
- SKCK from police
- copy of License (A & B)
- health certificate from a doctor
- application closed on 10 April 2011
- proportional weight
- write application code in the left corner of the envelope
- interview held on 13, 14 April 2011 08.00 - 17.00
- cover letter sent to PO BOX 3938 JAKARTA 10039
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